Hoima District has held an extraordinary Council Meeting for the approval of the District Service Commission.

Today the district has held a Council meeting at the district headquarters with the aim of approving the District Service Commission.

This was aimed at filling the gap of the District Service Commission that has hindered service delivery in the district given that there are critical position that are not filled in the district.

In the meeting the following members were presented and approved by council;

  1. Mrs. Kato Florence                     Chairperson
  2. Mr. Balyesiima Francis               Member
  3. Mrs. Rumbiiha Rehema              Member
  4. Mr. Kyehikira Alex                        Member PWDs
  5. Mr. Asiimwe Samuel                   Member

These members are to be submitted to the Public Service Commission for approval.

The Distric service commission is responsible with;

Appoints, promotes, disciplines, and removes employees

Reviews terms and conditions of service

Reviews standing orders

Reviews qualifications of public officers

Reviews personnel management and development

Makes recommendations to the government.

Given that there is a quick need to appoint an anesthetic officer to work at Kigorobya Health Center IV  theater that was launched on 24th/01/2025, the council today approved the borrowing of the services of another nearby district to quicken this process.

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