Farmers in Hoima have increased agriculture productivity with support under the District Micro scale Irrigation Program.

With government efforts towards modernization of agriculture in the country, Hoima District under Microscale Irrigation has supported farmers access irrigation facilities on there farms. Micro-scale irrigation is when a farmer irrigates his or her gardens using a pump to take water from a nearby stream, and a hose to distribute the water in the plot.

During a routine projects visit by the district team which included the CAO, District Agriculture Engineer, CFO and the District supervisor of works, it was evidenced that farmers have increased their output from their farms due to the support.

One farmer in Buraru Subcounty, Mrs. Bagada Grace after getting support from the Micro scale irrigation, she has implemented the presidential initiative of the 4acre model on her farm. This farmer has established a banana plantation, paw paw plantation, tomato with other vegetables, cattle, goat and piggery among others.

High yields have been evidenced since the establishment of the irrigation system, there is access to water for irrigation and farm use throughout the year.

Another farmer Mr. Irumba David and 2 other family members in Bulindi Town council have established a mixed farm of Irish Potatoes with a coffee plantation on 10acres of land. He praised the district and the government of Uganda for supporting him towards modernization of agriculture and promised to make his farm one of the model farms in the district.

The Micro-scale Irrigation Program supports farmers to purchase and use individual irrigation equipment. The Program supports farmers in purchasing the irrigation equipment through a matching grant scheme, in which the cost of the equipment is co-financed by the farmer and the government.

The Program caps the support to 2.5 acres (1 hectare); thus, it is expected to benefit mainly smallholder farmers interested to transition from mainly subsistence to more commercial agriculture.

In addition, the farmer receives complementary services such as extension support in irrigated agriculture. Introduction of irrigation will help smallholder farmers grow crops all year.

Farmers will be able to cope with dry spells, produce during the dry season, transition to higher value crops, such as horticultural crops and coffee, and hit the market when prices are more advantageous.

Cattle Kraal at Mrs. Bagada Grace's Farm
Bio Gas at Mrs. Bagada Grace's Farm
Bannana Plantation at Mrs. Bagada Grace's Farm

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